Tubal Ligation Specialist
Patience Miller M.D., Ob-Gyn
Patience Miller, MD
Board Certified Obstetrics & Gynecology & Health and Wellness Coach located in San Antonio, TX
Sterilization is the most popular birth control method globally. Patience Miller, MD, OB/GYN, performs a tubal ligation, a sterilization method for when your family has reached an ideal size or you don’t want children. Her practice is conveniently located in San Antonio, Texas. Trust your health to the expertise of a board-certified physician. Call today or book a consultation online.
Tubal Ligation
What is tubal ligation?
Tubal ligation is a common sterilization procedure to prevent the sperm from reaching an egg. During the surgery, Dr. Miller seals or closes your fallopian tubes. You may have heard the method described as “getting your tubes tied.”
Tubal ligation doesn’t stop you from getting periods. The procedure is permanent, and generally can’t be reversed.
Tubal ligation is a highly effective method of birth control. Depending on your treatment, about 18-37 women out of 1,000 become pregnant in the decade following the procedure.
Tubal ligation may also lower your risk of ovarian cancer, especially if Dr. Miller also removes your fallopian tubes during your surgery.
When is tubal ligation performed?
Talk with Dr. Miller about your options. If you’re scheduled to give birth and don’t want more children, she can perform the procedure after a vaginal delivery or C-section. She also performs tubal ligation as a stand-alone procedure with a device called a laparoscope.
Am I a good candidate for a tubal ligation?
Before you have a tubal ligation, Dr. Miller talks with you about the risks and benefits. Together, you'll discuss circumstances where you may ultimately regret the decision, such as a change in your marital status.
You may not be an appropriate candidate for tubal ligation with certain health conditions or a history of pelvic surgery. Dr. Miller discusses long-lasting alternatives, such as an IUD or other options for you.
What happens during a tubal ligation?
If your procedure isn’t schedule following a delivery, Dr. Miller performs tubal ligation through a laparoscopy. She makes a small incision near or in your naval and inserts the laparoscope.
Then she may also make another small incision to insert a surgical instrument to remove or close off your fallopian tubes.
She closes your fallopian tubes with bands, clips, special threads, or she may seal them with an electric current. She withdraws the instruments and closes your incision(s) with surgical tape or stitches.
If you’ve been exploring permanent sterilization options, find out more about tubal ligation at Patience Miller, MD, OB/GYN. Call today or book a consultation online.